Operation Deep Freeze
Operation Deep Freeze is a program that opens during the winter when the temperature drops below 32 degrees. This was started because the shelters in the Quad City Area are always at capacity but a place was needed for people to go in need when it was cold outside. PASS serves the women in need who come through the program at Salvation Army, ranging from one to eight women a night on top of the 26-bed facility we are already running. The women through Operation Deep Freeze sleep on cots in our front room. We give them items that they need while they are here, they can have a shower, and if they want to they can talk to our staff about getting on our waitlist to get into our main shelter.
The Quad City Interfaith Council, a consortium of churches, civic organizations and non-profit agencies serving the homeless, including the Salvation Army, the Coalition for Compassion and Justice, and the Gospel Rescue Mission, stepped in to revive the Operation Deep Freeze effort five years ago, and this is when PASS stepped in to take the women, as Salvation Army can only shelter the men. We are glad that we can be a part of this program, and support women in need of shelter during the cold months, even when our shelter is full.